B Schooled Episode # 2
The Curious Case of ‘Cp’

Apprehension had never been a friend of Joey’s; although, it had forever been a not so treasured companion. The paranoia of not living up to the norms of a prematurely self defined convention isn’t exactly a great feeling to harbor. In the same breath, giving in to convention is also not something to be proud of. MORE >>

Why 2015 will be a year well spent for an entrepreneur

For an entrepreneur, the decision to join a business school is not easy. What made it tougher was the fact that I got married a week before joining ISB!

However, I knew how important network and skill sets were for a business and personal professional growth. I reckoned it was a good time to step back from the day-to-day affairs of running a business to build skill sets, learn and build a great network, and, in the process, end the journey with a top business school brand name for life. MORE >>

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