Alma Matters
Issue 3 - January, 2010


Dear Alums,

Here are the results of the senate elections:

Kamal Narang, Founding Class; secured 86.6 percent of the total votes polled

Vice Chairperson: Ratnakar Gore, Class of '08; secured 82.7 percent of the total votes polled

Treasurer: Saurabh Khedekar, Class of '08; secured 44.5 percent of the total votes polled

Director- Internal Liaison: Jacob Joseph Kandathil, Class of '09; secured 48.4 percent of the total votes polled


We thank you for your participation and helping us run a smooth process. We congratulate the new senate and look forward to working with them. The next issue of the newsletter will carry their vision for the Association


Best Regards,

Team – Alumni Relations