Updates and Information on upcoming events from the alumni association.
India Strategy June 2011: DUSK or DAWN?: Global Headwinds, Falling
Commodity Prices, Strained Government, Inflation may have peaked, Decadal high
interest rates, Reform engine revving up, Tough quarter of earnings, Long-term
earnings intact, Domestic equity flow choked, Time correction of markets.
Online Advertising Market India : Indian advertising industry is
expected to witness a growth CAGR of 17% to reach INR 277 bn in 2011 from INR
236 bn in 2010. Online advertising industry in India is the fastest growing
segment in the advertising industry. It is divided into two types of
advertisements namely Display Advertisements and Text Advertisements. BFSI,
Travel Telecom, Online Publishers are some of the highest spenders on the online
medium for advertisements.
The India consumer story: On an ascent : India is one of the most compelling consumption stories in the world. Changing consumer preference has turned conveyance, healthcare, education, consumer services and consumer durables into the most attractive constituents of the Indian market.
Banking in 2050 : How the financial crisis has affected the long term outlook for the global banking industry. The accelerating shift in economic power from the developed to emerging economies is dramatically changing the banking industry across the world.
Meeting the cyber security challenge : Eliminating threats is
impossible, so protecting against them without disrupting business
innovation and growth is a top management issue.
The New Psychology Of Strategic Leadership : Firms in an industry
typically cluster around a few strategic positions, and the intense
competition on those occupied "mountaintops" makes it hard for firms to
gain attractive returns. Superior opportunities lie on unoccupied
mountaintops. Yet because those opportunities are "cognitively
distant"-far from the status quo-strategists have trouble recognizing
and acting on them. Competition, therefore, is weak.
Organizational health: The ultimate competitive advantage : To sustain high performance, organizations must build the capacity to learn and keep changing over time.
Governance since the economic crisis : According to the latest McKinsey Quarterly survey on governance, directors report that their boards have not increased the time spent on company strategy since our previous survey, conducted in February 2008—seven months before the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Moreover, 44 percent of respondents say their boards simply review and approve management’s proposed strategies.
World Class Business School in the financial hub of India :"A moment
of pride and honor, India witnesses its first green business school, aiming at
creating responsible corporate leaders, adhering to ethical principles in
business life. Universal Business School is the brainchild of three highly
accomplished business professionals, mastered in managing global businesses.
"Why Business Schools Struggle to Teach Entrepreneurship" : "Does it seem
strange to suggest that business schools struggle to teach entrepreneurship?
Many business schools today have entrepreneurship programs that are growing
every year. So how can I claim that business schools struggle to teach
entrepreneurship? Take a peek back at history and you will see why I can make
this claim and what it means for how we teach entrepreneurship. "
A New Melting Pot : True
Engineers Constitute the Majority of the Students at B-Schools. Last Year Batch
of IIM Kozhikode (IIM -K) had 320 Students , out of which only 39 were from non
engineering backgrounds.
Dean's Award Honors Student Service to
School and Society :" BOSTON—Four members of the Harvard Business School MBA
Class have been named winners of the School's prestigious Dean's Award. The
recipients, who will be recognized as members of two teams by HBS Dean Nitin
Nohria at Commencement ceremonies on the HBS campus on May 26, are Andrea M.
Ellwood, Brett C. Gibson, Kathleen M. Hebert, and Justine K. Lelchuk. "