Updates and Information on upcoming events from the alumni association.
Abhinav Singh - Director, Alumni Relations Council
Akshay Raizada – Alumni Initiatives Coordinator
Akshay, an economics graduate, came to ISB thinking that nothing can surpass what he had experienced in four years as a management consultant. But, alas, alas, he discovered Term 1! Pretty soon, he got over the rude ‘grade shock’ of Term 1 and is now a permanent fixture at all parties…and at Rec Centre! He has the worst memory on campus and has often been guilty of forgetting the names and faces of his class mates, study group mates and sometimes, even his quad mates. He is a hardcore Dilli wala and, in his every waking breath, he misses his Butter Chicken and Dal Makhani. He has found out that consulting is his true destiny and plans to head back to what he was doing, post ISB days!
Abhimanyu Agarwalla – Alumni Initiatives Coordinator
A traitor to the engineering race, Abhimanyu pursued a career in finance after University. He believes life is too short and tries to live it to the fullest in all aspects of his life. A gadget geek, an audiophile, a sports enthusiast, and a hidden romantic (we say, let it remain hidden for the sake of our sanity!), is what “Goju” is. When he is not at ISB, you will probably find him scuba diving, hiking, or generally trying to break some bone in his body through innovative means.
Rajeev Reddy - Alumni Relations and Events Coordinator
Rajeev Reddy, a pure engineer and a typical Reddy at heart, is very happy to have come back to his home town, Hyderabad, after eight years of academic and professional pursuits. He is really passionate about biking and loves speed and acceleration. He tags himself as “professional biker” though his friends would want to believe otherwise! FMCG sector it was for the past four years for him, and he wants to put every moment in ISB to good use before this year is over!
Keerthi Varier – Alumni Relations and Events Coordinator
The gentlest soul on campus, Keerthi is pretty sure that its only the pronunciation of her last name, that gave rise to her nickname “Warrior”! She enjoys the ‘wildlife’ at ISB, and is always super thrilled to be present at the various snake spottings! An engineer by chance and an SAP Business Analyst by profession, she is looking to head back to the IT consultancy and delivery world.
Tamanna Tripathy - Professional and Social Clubs Coordinator
She goes by the name TT, but has been successful at abstaining herself from all kinds of sports all these years. Well, except for…swimming! Apart from swimming, the other thing she is equally passionate about in life is, Mumbai - never a day has passed without her cribbing about not being back in Mumbai! A “Geoscientist” by profession, she spent the last 3 years in Oil and Gas upstream exploration domain. She loves meeting new people and manages to remember even the minutest details about them! Her love for the Alumni Relations team is rivaled only by her love for….ISB Housekeeping!
Shravanthi Gummadi - Professional and Social Clubs Coordinator
Our favorite girl, Shrav, has the gift of the gab and she uses it wisely (except for when her internal filter gets turned off!). She wasn’t born to be an engineer but she is one regardless, and worked on the oil and gas rigs of California and Louisiana during the last five years. She is a sci-fi nerd of sorts but she does get her fill of Gossip Girl as well. She comes in many pieces but its fun putting her together (at least we think so!).
Ashwin Satish - ALC Communications Coordinator
Abhijeet Singh Malan – Lead Coordinator, Solstice
Abhijeet Malan, claims to be a senior officer in the merchant navy and a part time entrepreneur who runs his own web design firm – but one meeting will tell you he’s actually just a fun loving guy who loves to talk. Never one to shut up – he can make merry and mirth with anyone – he is dedicated to make sure that this Solstice is a memorable one for each and every one of you.