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Indian Defence Market: The Indian defence industry is currently undergoing a transition with increased participation from the private sector for direct bids. The trend of formation of joint ventures between foreign suppliers and private players is likely to continue due to the strong hold of public sector undertakings in the Indian Defence market.
Travel and Sustainability- Striking the Right Balance: Travel and tourism is moving towards a more sustainable business model. Sustainable tourism is being driven by economic, regulatory and stakeholder pressure, with consumers increasingly favouring sustainable services and products. Tourism players are becoming more aware of the need to focus more on sustainability in order to reduce costs, boost profits and attract new guests, as well as to benefit from cost-saving opportunities.
Vocational Training Market in India: Indian education system consists of formal and informal sectors. India has the second largest education system in the world. MHRD and MoLE are the key decision makers for vocational education and training in India. MHRD regulates polytechnics and school‐level vocational education while MoLE regulates Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and Vocational Training Providers (VTPs).
Future Trends in Food and Drink Product Innovation: Recent food and drink trends and innovations focus on health, mood, functionality, and convenience; whereas recent personal care trends and innovations focus on science, personalization, convenience, functionality, interaction, and effectiveness. Both sectors show a focus on new and exotic flavors and fragrances, naturalness, ethics and the environment.
Pharmaceuticals Neutral- At the crossroads: The global generic market was estimated at ~US$234bn in 2010 and is anticipated to grow to ~US$400-430bn by 2015. Growth would be largely driven by patent expiries in developed markets (brands accounted for nearly two-thirds of global pharmaceutical spending in 2010) and the “pharmerging” markets. Pharmerging countries have growth potential as their populations are increasingly getting better access to healthcare, due to structural reforms and economic growth.
Competing with Emerging Market Multinationals: A new breed of multinationals from emerging markets is appearing in many industries. Familiar names include Tata of India, Lenovo of China, Embraer of Brazil, and Lukoil of Russia. Following closely behind are dozens of lesser known firms with similar aspirations, and more than a few of them are likely to succeed. Western firms are wrong to underestimate, as they often do, the competitive threat from these firms.
Learning How to Grow Globally: Learning may be the single greatest challenge when entering offshore markets. Few, if any, employees have in-depth knowledge of markets other than the one where they live. Faced with the need to learn quickly about a foreign market, many companies employ a variety of approaches, in a variety of sequences.
Breaking Strategic inertia- Tips from Two Leaders: Frameworks abound for developing corporate strategy. But there’s no textbook or theory that explains how to deliver on that strategy by shifting capital, talent, and other scarce resources from one part of a business to another. One reason is that the moves each organization must make at any point in time are unique. Another is that different senior executives have different roles to play.
Decision making under time pressure, modeled in a prospect theory framework: The goal of any decision maker is to make the most optimal decisions possible with a minimal amount of cognitive strain or effort. This may not be a very daunting task when given unlimited time to assess the decision problem, but many situations exist that require individuals to make decisions under deadlines.
Mobilizing for Growth in Emerging Markets: To reach the “next billion” consumers, multinational companies will need to move beyond value chain localization and create new networks of local partners. As growth in developed economies such as the United States, Japan and Europe continues to languish, the fastest engines of global growth for several years to come will be the emerging markets of India and China.
A New Twist in B-School Recruiting: Companies that want to foster deeper relationships with business schools typically send recruiters to campus, bring executives to speak in classes, and hire students for internships and full-time jobs.
Another US business school gets Indian-born dean: The top job at a top US business school has gone to an Indian-origin academic yet again, with the appointment of Srilata E Zaheer as dean of the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Business schools can lead us away from shareholder primacy: The next generation of MBAs to emerge from the business schools and university departments will have to think differently from their predecessors. Maximizing shareholder take will only lead to even greater catastrophe than we already face. They will have to learn how to meet the many challenges of sustainability, transparency, fairness and integrity and build them into the businesses they serve.
Transforming business education in Pakistan: The business education landscape is about to change in Pakistan. The decades-old dominance of leading biz schools will soon be challenged by the Karachi School for Business and Leadership (KSBL), which is about to launch an MBA in collaboration with the Judge Business School at Cambridge University.
Wealth or Waste Rethinking: Undergraduate business majors are a dime a dozen on many college campuses. But according to some, they may be worth even less.More than 20% of U.S. undergraduates are business majors, nearly double the next most common major, social sciences and history.
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