AIKYA Family Network Launch
May 25, 2012
Around 40 host families from Mohali will visit the campus and get introduced to their wards, students from the Class of 2013. AIKYA, the host family network, is a unique way of bonding between students and families. Each year, host families welcome students into their homes over weekends, term breaks, and festive occasions. This allows students to celebrate festivals and other special occasions without leaving the city.
Click here for more information
Executive Education: Accelerated Sales Force Performance
June 3-6, 2012
This programme, now in its eighth year, offers frameworks and practical insights to solve challenges related to managaing sales forces. It also uses an interactive format and problem-solving mindset to harness the combined experience and energy of participants addressing challenges of structuring, staffing, retaining, motivating and controlling sales organisations.
Click here for more information
Executive Education: Mergers and Acquisitions, a Strategic Approach
June 5-9, 2012
This programme provides frameworks and practical tools needed to conceptualise and create value through mergers or acquisitions. The participants will use case studies of real-life companies and actual transactions to appreciate the strategic drivers underlying acquisition and understand how synergy can be created, valued, and shared in these transactions.
Click here for more information
AIKYA Family Network Launch
May 25, 2012
Executive Education: Accelerated Sales Force Performance
June 3-6, 2012
Executive Education: Mergers and Acquisitions: A Strategic Approach
June 5-9, 2012