Students celebrated India’s 67th Independence Day with 380 children as part of “Bandhan,” an annual student-run initiative of Net Impact club. On the occasion, the Photography Club at ISB organised a competition. The winning photographs are showcased below.
Winner: 1. Asmita Deept, Student Spouse, Class of 2014; Runner-up: 2. Pranay Desai, Student, Class of 2014; Worthy Mentions: 3. Uma Maheshwaraa, Student, Class of 2014 4. Arvind Nair, Student, Class of 2014; 5. Joseph Sebastian, Student, Class of 2014; 6. Rupa Nandy, Student, Class of 2014
Executive Education: Effective Strategy Execution
September 03-06, 2013
ISB Service Science Workshop 2013
September 21- 22, 2013