Alumni social events were held at chapters across the country to welcome the Class of 2010 into the alumni fold.
Here we are with another issue of Alma Matters and this time with a new design. I hope you like the changes we’ve made. Do let us know what you think of the new look. We are starting the revamp and redesign of the alumni website soon and hope to launch it by October. We are including several new features and creating special forums for alumni to interact. This should resolve the spam issue to a large extent and encourage more alumni participation.
We recently invited alumni to campus to conduct ‘Life at the ISB’ sessions for the Class of 2011. Alumni across classes gave their perspectives and spouted ‘gyaan’ which the Class of 2011 found very useful. There were many requests for more sessions like these and we are trying
to put together a schedule.
We are hosting Seth Godin, entrepreneur, marketing guru and maverick, on campus on the 7th of July. This is the only talk that Seth is doing in India this year and I hope many of you take advantage of this and come join us for this session. We will try and bring you many such interesting talks and events during the next few months.
The GSB Core elections as well as those for the clubs took place this month and now the full GSB
Extended is in place. Aman Khan, from the Class of 2011, has been elected the Alumni Affairs Director and you can expect to hear from him often, on matters relating to the current Class. You will find a full list of all elected members elsewhere in this newsletter.
The Mumbai Chapter had a very successful alumni social event to welcome the Class of 2010 into the alumni fold, with more than 250 people in attendance. Alums right from the Founding Class to the recently graduated Class of 2010 turned up at ‘Joss’ to meet old friends and make some new ones. Hats off to the Mumbai volunteers – Mitesh (‘03), Anshuman (‘04), Rajat (‘04), Gautam (‘05), Harsh (‘05), Devahuti (‘06), Prashanth (‘06), Prabh (‘07), Saurabh (‘08), Viren (‘09) and Abhishek (‘10) for pulling off a seamlessly organised event. You can see the pictures in the newsletter gallery. The Delhi Chapter also organised a social event on the same day and close to 120 people attended that.
As part of our life-long learning services we will be conducting day long workshops in many cities. To start off we will be organising Negotiation Analysis workshops by Professor Dishan Kamdar in Chennai, Mumbai, and Delhi. The exact dates and details will be communicated to you by your chapter representatives,
but the events have been planned for September. I hope you take advantage of these workshops and benefit from them. We also plan to open these up to alum spouses (provided they fit into the specified criteria) as well as work colleagues of alumni working in family businesses, start ups, and SMEs.
You will be seeing a lot more activity within chapters on the global alumni level as well. Do give us your feedback and suggestions on all the events we roll out. You can write to me directly at or contact the team at
Warm wishes,