Updates and Information on upcoming events from the alumni association.
Electricity in India: This Datamonitor report analyses the Indian Electricity Industry. The market grew by 21.5 percent in 2009 to reach a value of $104.9 billion. In 2014, the Indian electricity market is forecast to have a value of $281.2 billion, an increase of 168.1 percent since 2009. The Indian electricity market grew by 5.5 percent in 2009 to reach a volume of 729 Terawatt-hour.
Renewable Energy Sources : This CRISIL report summarises the industry trends and the domestic and global scenario in the “Renewable Energy Sources” sector. In particular, it discusses the renewable energy certification options and mechanisms, government initiatives, and the increasing demand for green power.
Online Travel Industry – India : This report provides an overview of the online travel industry in India - its Market Overview, Business Model, Drivers & Challenges, Trends, Competition, PE Investments and Key Developments.
Agricultural Equipments Market – India : The Research on India report gives highlights of the Agricultural Equipments Market in India. The Industry growth, Market Overview, Drivers & Challenges, Government Initiatives, PE Investments, Competition, and Key Developments are discussed.
The OTC Pharmaceutical Market in Emerging Countries : This RBI report gives an overview of The OTC Pharmaceutical Market in emerging Countries. It outlines the Market overview, key trends, competitive landscape, opportunities, and growth strategies.
Dipak Jain Heads to INSEAD : INSEAD has appointed Dipak C Jain, Dean Emeritus of Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, as its next dean. He succeeds J Frank Brown, who will step down in 2011.
B-Schools Rely on Visiting Faculty : Not very long back, domain experts, trying their luck at B-schools as part-time lecturers, were derided as taxi faculty, hopping from one institute to the other purely for money. Today, with management institutes mushrooming and the race to provide quality contemporary education hotting up, visiting faculty are enjoying their moment in the sun.
Management - Going Global with Quality : Indian B Schools are trying for international accreditations and collaborations, in anticipation of the Foreign Universities Act .
2010 GMAC Application Trends Survey : The GMAC Application Trends Survey 2010 reflects data supplied by 665 graduate management education programmes at 327 business schools in 39 countries around the world. The survey reflects applications for admission to MBA programmes beginning this fall.
The 10 Most Innovative Business School Courses : In the aftermath of the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, more business schools are overhauling their curricula to appeal to a different kind of student--one who increasingly looks to do good while also doing well. The basics (accounting, finance) are still de rigueur, but hands-on experience solving real problems for real companies--even countries--is where the action is for many aspiring MBAs.
Reforming Hospitals with IT Investment : Mandated upgrades to health care IT will demand heavy investments by providers but will help them minimise waste and standardise best medical practices. However, the providers will have to take a radically new approach to IT.
Innovation and Commercialisation, 2010 : After coping with the global economic crisis, companies are beginning to aim for growth again. But their approach to managing innovation and the challenges they face haven’t changed. The survey results suggest a few ways to improve.
Why Good Bosses Tune in to their People : Bosses matter. They matter because more than 95 percent of all people in the workforce have bosses, are bosses, or both, and also because they set the tone for their followers and organisations. And they matter because many studies show that for more than 75 percent of employees, dealing with their immediate boss is the most stressful part of the job.
Retaining Key Employees in times of Change : Targeting retention measures at the right people using a tailored mix of financial and nonfinancial incentives is crucial for managing organisational transitions that achieve long-term business success. It is also likely to save money.
The Branding Challenges of Asian Manufacturing Firms : During the past quarter of a century, Asia has risen to become the world’s factory. This trend has, however, coincided with the relative decline in the value of manufacturing compared to other value adding activities, including r&d, design, and branding. This significant ‘‘value shift’’ has eroded the margins of manufacturing firms and sparked considerable interest among executives in Asia to design, brand, and market their own products.
If you would like to access these reports, please contact LRC at lrc_isb@isb.edu