Rahul Khandelwal
Class of 2007
Apollo Hospitals
Deputy General Manager - Operations
What was your job profile before the ISB?
Before the ISB, I was a practicing medical doctor. Later I worked with Eli Lilly and Max Hospitals in their marketing divisions. After ISB, I joined the Operations team at Apollo Hospitals.
What was your key takeaway from the ISB?
The key takeaway from the ISB is the network and friendships that I have built here. Having worked in the corporate sector I decided to get a formal management education and ISB has been a great place for that. This education helped me transition from a medical role to a management role.
What is your vision for the School?
I would like the School to become one of the best B-schools in the world. And with the kind of initiatives that we are have, such as research, helping the community, Entrepreneurship Development, those are some of the unique things, which I think are going to benefit the school quite a bit.
What are the strengths that the School can leverage upon and areas it can improve?
The Alumni Association is definitely something that we can leverage upon because we have a huge network and as we are growing, we can focus on doing a lot of good things for the school and the association. Also, we have good faculty and the research they are doing can help us grow. An area in which we can improve upon – the image of being only concerned about placements and salaries needs to change.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Do what you love to do.