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An Ode to a Lazy Day in ISB*
*A lazy day in ISB is a fictitious, mythical phenomenon that everyone worships. Latest rulings in the English language have suggested changing the phrase ‘Once in a blue moon’ to ‘Once in a lazy ISB day’ since the latter is a rarer and more widely celebrated occurrence.
Human beings deal with adversity in different ways. Some muster up courage and face it, some turn tail and run. Some do the smart thing and go crazy. We here at ISB, battling against a never-ending army of assignments, projects, pro-bonos and still-trying-find-the-right-way-to-get-to-AC2NMLTs, tried the first, tried the second and when both didn’t work, decided to go stark, raving mad.
That I am submitting a song in lieu of a blog write up is proof of that. Here goes
“Dude, time to wake up,
There’s an assignment due...
Your study group handled the previous one”
“They‘re used to it, they’ll manage this one too.”
They’ll manage this one too
They’ll manage this one too
They are IITians, I am diversity quota
Oooh, they know it too
“All right, time to wake up now,
There’s an ELP meeting to attend”
“Oh, the client doesn’t know what he wants
He’ll love whatever I present.”
He’ll love what I present
He’ll love what I present
The previous para didn’t rhyme
Doesn’t matter, they’ll love what I present
“You’ve slept for so long,
There’s moss growing over you
The mid-term’s tomorrow
Everything in the syllabus looks new”
“Stop bothering me so,
You’ll drive me into a rage,
I am not here for grades,
I am here only for (yaaawn) knowledge”
Here for knowledge
Here for knowledge
Or at least a bunch of jargon
That I can use at any stage
“For three nights you haven’t slept
Must cut you some slack, I see.”
“Yeah, endless supply of movies, drinks and parties
Damn my friends, and damn the SLC!”
Sreeram Ramachandran, Class of 2011