Apparel Industry In India : The apparel sector has from ancient times been an avenue to export, to diversification and industrial development. In earlier times, in developed nations like US and EU, apparel was central to the industrialization process. Of late, the environment for the global apparel trade changed significantly owing to the rise in the number of organizational buyers and their global sourcing strategies..

IT Enabled Services : Animation outsourcing enables designing of sophisticated logos, banners for websites and aids in the development of high-quality product demos amongst others. Animation services can be 2D, 3D, visual effects & digital intermediary, and gaming. 2D animation services include PowerPoint Animation, Flash Animation and Analog Computer Animation. India's animation sector is witnessing a major boom as animation outsourcing destination due to its obvious benefits such as large English speaking base.

Indian Financial Services Industry : Over the last decade, Indian financial markets have benefited from considerable broadening and deepening due to various financial market reforms undertaken by the regulators such as the introduction of innovative financial instruments in the recent years and the entry of sophisticated domestic and international players. Sectors such as banking, asset management and brokerage have been liberalized to allow private sector involvement, which has contributed to the development and modernization of the financial services sector.

Renewable Energy : Hydro power is generated by harnessing the energy generated from the natural movement of moving or falling water. The power generation process here involves use of flowing water to spin a turbine connected to a generator. A typical hydro power plant uses a dam on a river to store water in a reservoir. Water is released from the reservoir that flows through a turbine, spinning it, which in turn generates electricity.


Pharma Companies - Poised for fresh re-rating : Indian pharmaceuticals companies are looking forward to a surge in business driven by growing population and rising incomes at home and greater emphasis on outsourcing by foreign companies. India holds considerable comparative advantage in contract research and manufacturing and clinical trials..

The Paradox of Excellence : High achievers often undermine their leadership by being afraid to show their limitations. Because they’re used to having things come easily to them, they tend to shy away from assignments that will truly test them and require them to learn new skills.

Why good companies create bad regulatory strategies: The field of behavioral economics is rapidly making its way into the tool kits of regulators. In stark contrast, we’ve rarely heard, in our work with more than 300 companies over the past 3 years, a senior executive consider the impact that cognitive biases might be having on his or her company’s regulatory posture. Our sense is that looking at regulatory strategies through the lens of behavioral economics.

Economic Conditions Snapshot, June 2011 : Over the past three months, executives around the world have grown more pessimistic about their nations’ economies: compared with three months ago, a smaller share say their economies improved over the past six months, and slightly more expect worsening conditions over the rest of 2011


That Silver Lining Success Mantras for private B-Schools In India : Management Education is the most sought after higher education option for the aspiring and talented graduates, vying for a position in the corporate echelons. It is all about grooming and developing an incumbent to develop his or her competency either as an “intrapreneur” or an entrepreneur.

Research becomes innovative at LBS : "A firm famed for its accountancy skills may not seem like a natural sponsor for a research centre in innovation and entrepreneurship, but Deloitte has agreed to partner with London Business School to set up just such a body. Though both institutions are keeping quiet about the size of the Deloitte gift, it is thought to be at least £10m over 10 years. "

MBA Pay: The $3.6 Million Degree : Grads from the top MBA programs make more money over the course of their careers than peers from lower-ranked B-schools. That's not much of a surprise, considering MBAs from programs like Harvard, Wharton, and Stanford command the highest salaries—$126,000, on average—upon earning the business credential. But what is surprising is how much more grads from these highly ranked programs will make over a 20-year career compared with grads from lesser-ranked programs..

Five Questions You must answer to, before that MBA: Between Know and then with then signaling a period of 15 years ago or more the MBA universe has changed even faster than the universe MBA, graduates have sought to master. Quite simply 15 years back this article is telling you about "the five reasons you must do MBA", That as well all know, has been answered by the thousands more who opt for the course every year..

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