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Sameer Bora
Class of 2007
Google India
Operations Lead, Digital Content and Commerce
Previous Occupation: Software Engineer, Infosys
Present Occupation: Operations Lead, Digital Content and
Commerce, Google India
Sector: E-commerce, internet advertising and retail
strategy, payments
Work Experience: GMAT Trainer, Software Engineer,
Operations Manager
Interests: Professional/Personal:: We (used to) run a
library from our home, mostly with crime/detective fiction. Apart from that,
I quiz, play bridge and soccer, and read.
Key take-away from the ISB?
At ISB, I was able to build a network of contacts, meet a diverse group of
talented and intelligent individuals, and sharpen my general management
How do you think the ISB has contributed to your career growth?
ISB equipped me with the necessary skills that enabled me to switch
careers I am much more comfortable about taking on different roles within
Google and apply many of the techniques learnt at ISB in my professional
What is your vision for the School?
I envision the School as a premier business education entity, having
a legacy of providing quality middle and senior-management education, along
with research and industry consultancy. The School should also be known as
one that gives back to society. In addition to that, I would specifically
like to see more international diversity, and government/industry
interaction. At present, there is diversity in student profiles (both
incoming and in placements) but we still need to work on the other aspects
of diversity mentioned previously.Over a 15-20 year period, I would also
like to see the addition of a significant number of interdisciplinary
What are the strengths that the School can leverage upon and areas it can improve ?
We have a strong alumni network, and good work done by the alums is
certainly spreading the School’s cachet across the world. With our strong
faculty presence, we are attracting outstanding industry partnerships as
well. Besides this, we have infrastructure, a good brand image and potential
for expansion to leverage upon.
In terms of improvement, we need some more effort on the placements side,
specifically to differentiate us from IIM’s graduates. I would also like to
see better branding and publicity in the non-Indian media.
How do you think alums can associate with the School or alum’s role in building the School ?
Alums contribute first and foremost by doing good work and becoming leaders
in their organisations or fields. These achievements have positive offshoots
on the School's reputation. I feel that alums can also contribute by sharing
with the School the good things that they have learnt or seen at other
educational institutions or organisations.
I don't think that as alumni, we are currently doing a good enough job of
maintaining or being part of the alumni network. Part of the reason is
systemic – the alumni list isn't the most efficient medium for interaction.
We do need to build a strong alumni community, and keep strengthening the
bonds which we have created at ISB.
What is the area you can contribute in?
I can help with the School’s outreach efforts, marketing plans and
execution, internet presence and optimisation, and also in student