Updates and Information on upcoming events from the alumni association.
Alumni Affairs Council for the Class of 2013 elected
Aseem Bansal – Club Coordinator
Vivek Tummalapalli
Vivek is a bibliophile (loves Dostoevsky), a movie buff (swears by Scorsese and Kurosawa), graphic novel addict, a complete hip-hop head and an entrepreneur. He tried his hand at being a chemical engineer for 3.5 years at the petrochemical division of Reliance industries before he got mobbed by the monotony of his career and shifted to RFID and smartcard manufacturing (Tvasta Id India).
Life, for Vivek, is all about self discovery and he believes that there is no one better to play guide in ISB than the ones who have been there, done that.
Nakul Kapoor – Initiative Coordinator
Nakul's philosophy in life is to constantly look at fresher avenues and experiment with new things. He has taken up several sports such as base ball, roller hockey, swimming, tennis and has played them at club and district level. Before joining McKinsey's financial services practice,Nakul, did internships and company-sponsored projects in rural retail, fan exports and insurance distribution. From farmers to ambassadors – he has interacted with everyone at ISB. Nakul hopes to continue this learning, which began the minute he mastered the art of making chai and pakoras at ISB. Yes, you may reach out to him on rainy days with requests ;)
Varun Jain – Initiative Coordinator
Varun followed his engineering with a non-tech job at Evalueserve, the “leading global knowledge services provider.”He discovered his passion for writingwhile working on industry articles on the retail industry. After having handled the pressures of a 20-member team and daily deliverables at Evalueserve, he thought ISB would be manageable – he has gotten over that myth now!
One thing he has realised here is that few things are as stunningly beautiful as early mornings at ISB, especially when walking back drunk after the ’08 party! A true-blue Bollywood enthusiast, there are a few movies (that shall not be named here) that he can’t get through without shedding a tear.
Kanav Mittal – Solstice Coordinator
Kanav, a graduate/investment manager from London has worked at the global headquarters of banking giants (HSBC, Barclays) across multiple geographies from Hong Kong to London. Yet, he struggles at finance courses at ISB and doesn’t miss a single P2P session.Ever present at the Rec Centre, Kanav is the winner of the Intersection TT and Squash, often making many wonder if he studies at all.His rejoinder on often being confused with the big MITTALS: “My name is Mittal and I am not a billionaire.” With passion/experience to coordinate high stature multi-dimension events, Kanav is the Lead coordinator of SOLSTICE this year. He intends to dedicate his heart and soul for the event and get the best student minds together to make Solstice 2012, a time to remember. He is extremely approachable and is always open to any constructive suggestions from the alums.
Vinayak Palankar – Web Portal Coordinator
Ganesh Vudutha - Director, Alumni Affairs Council
Ganesh could be confused for the real-life version of the famous character, Vijay DheenanathChauhan (Agneepath). But, he is not. Infact, he is a happy person and happiness is all that matters in his life. He is known to be a true hyderabadi (takes bro code very seriously), food lover (nothing goes waste on the table), movie buff (invested in a commercial movie shot by his friends) and travel enthusiast (hitch hiked 600 km alone to reach Goa). He is an engineer from IIT Madras and runs his own company eDomotics – Home Automation, a company that makes lazy people more lethargic. Given a choice, he would have been a sportsperson playing football, volleyball, tennis, athletics, table tennis, basketball, badminton - in order of skill level. He is a strong believer and advocate of “Student for a year, Alum for life.”
Anand Chhabra – Director, Alumni Relations Council
Anand Chhabra – a Punjabi born and brought up in the bong land in Kolkata, working in the land of idlis in Bangalore and now back to his roots in Punjab- brings in that diversity factor for you. An engineer by qualification and a management consultant at KPMG by profession, you would generally find him sleeping in class and rocking at all parties at night, with his presence in the LRC being greeted with applause (if he actually knew where the LRC was). His greatest talent lies in his ability to know everybody on campus with even their minutest detail. As the ALC Director he looks forward to interacting with all of you to form a truly lasting relationship!!!
Sandeep Mahapatra – Alumni Initiatives Co-ordinator
After 12 years of literally being on the run at his job at Wipro Limited, Sandeep had thought that he would finally settle down by taking his long due educational “time-off”. But, we are sure, he by now has found out that life here at ISB is anything but stable!!! An engineer by qualification, Sandeep is our ALC in-house Senior Executive Club member. He believes that our Alums should be our be-all and end-all guide to survive the ISB juggernaut. Post ISB, he is hopeful, he will get the industry shift that he is vying for. His family is based out of Bangalore. He has a sweet, little 4 year old princess for a daughter whom he misses a lot!
Avinash Sharma – Events Co-ordinator
Avinash is the typical Civil Engineer who realized post his degree and work experience at NTPC that he needed a non-engineering degree more than ever before. A regular feature at the LRC and the pool table, he is one guy who “tries(d)” to maximize grades but ended up losing on NPV! Project manager by the week and wandered by the weekend, he made us realize that ISB is quite the jungle for treks too. He aims to leverage his NEGA skills to put to the learning but will definitely manage to get the grades too – after all it’s not just about the learning.
Bakul Kampani – Clubs Co-ordinator
An adrenalin junkie, Bakul is the true Delhite who loves food, Delhi, and Gossip Girl (in varying order of priority). She is better known on campus as the girl with red streaks, who is a permanent feature at all parties. A consultant by profession, Intervention Specialist for Autistic children by hobby, animal lover by passion, a talkative person all the time, and the aggressive girl in the group was the ideal scare crow for the clubs.
Garima Tuteja – Alumni Affairs Co-ordinator
Garima, known throughout the campus for being the incorrigible babbler, is a software engineer by profession who wishes to carve out a niche in the marketing arena. She is extremely passionate about travelling to new places (though the Andamans are an exception as she would love to be there for any vacation), meeting new people and trying different cuisines. Having spent the last 8 years in Pune, she can't stop missing the city and her sweet little pet dog - Leo. As an Alumni Affairs Coordinator, she intends to reach out to as many of you as possible to build a sincerely valuable and lasting relationship with each and every one of you.
Achalendra Bisarya – Communications Co-ordinator
“Oxymoron” is how this guy should be defined. A mechanical engineer in a family of doctors, this communications co-ordinator’s biggest bane is “communicating” his name. A diehard Rock fan, this smiling face spends his days playing Squash and nights head-banging to tracks by Metallica whom he respectfully calls…..“The Gods!!!” He has worked for four years in the Aerospace industry; his real passion in life though, is automobiles. The Autobahn would probably be his holiday destination of choice. And he dreams of owning a ’67 Ford Mustang one day…….we’re definitely waiting for that to happen!!!!
Samarth Mathur – Equinox Co-ordinator
Samarth, a true believer in ‘grades don’t matter, (maybe?) learning does’, suffers from the classic case of day dreaming. This can be observed most prominently when he is sitting through lectures. He has often on campus been spotted trying to defend how his engineering degree and work in healthcare IT was different and more challenging (??)from the mundane, run of the mill IT stuff. As the Equinox coordinator, he is dedicated to ensure that the 1st ever alum flagship event at Mohali be fun, memorable and ensure you feel a connect with the campus.