Case Writing Workshop
The ISB Case Development Centre in its endeavour to
develop case writers in B-schools, dedicated to the
case method of teaching in India, is organising a
three day case writing workshop. The workshop would
be conducted by experienced professors of case
method from the Richard Ivey School of Business,
University of Western Ontario, Canada. This
intensive three day workshop will enhance
participants’ skills and enjoyment as a case author.
Each participant will actually write short
field-based case and a preliminary teaching note,
working through all the steps of the case writing
process. The workshop will provide plenty of
opportunities for networking and exchange with
colleagues from other B-schools.
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The Second Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business
Gone are the days when family businesses were considered orthodox, unprofessional, and unstable. There is plenty of evidence available now of well governed family businesses run professionally and lasting several generations, creating wealth for themselves and society. This is, however, always not automatic. Families have to understand the concepts and processes involved in transforming the building blocks of their businesses and make them businesses that grow and prosper beyond generations and bring glory to all.
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Global Social Venture Competition Asia Regional Round
The Asia Regional Round of the Global Social Venture
Competition, whose mission is to promote entrepreneurial
businesses that have clear and quantifiable social objectives,
will be held at the ISB from March 19-21, 2009.

Emerging Market Finance Conference
– FIC – SIFR Conference
The third CAF – FIC – SIFR conference will be held at the
ISB during March 20 -22, 2009. The theme for this conference
is Emerging Market Finance. Two special areas of interest
are China’s Financial System and Comparative Financial
Systems. Starting in 2007, the Centre for
Analytical Finance (CAF) at the ISB, the Financial
Institutions Center (FIC) at the Wharton School, and the
Swedish Institute for Financial Research (SIFR) at Stockholm
organise joint research conferences in the area of emerging
market finance.