Updates and Information on upcoming events from the alumni association.
Chapter Events:
Friday B-Hive – February 08th, 2013
This event was attended by 15 people (6 ISB, 3 INSEAD, 1 IIM-A, 1-Stanford, 1-UMich & 3 guests). In the last couple of months, a lot of new members have been attending this event and have given great feedback.
School Events:
Fourth Asian invitational conference on Family Business - February 1-3, 2013
To sensitize and build capabilities in family businesses across Asia, the Thomas Schmidheiny Chair of Family Business and Wealth Management at the ISB organized the Fourth Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business. A few of our alumni were also part of this conference.
Conflict and Crisis Management Workshop by Beth Fascitelli - February 22nd , 2013
Around 20 participants, incuding alumni spouses and referrals attended this workshop and gave positive feedback on the session which was extremely interactive and useful.
Real Options and Decision Making’ by Prof. Ramabhadran Thirumalai – February 23rd, 2013
A total of 21 participants, including alumni spouses and referrals attend this three hour workshop and gave great feedback on the content and format of the session. Participants also got an opportunity to network over high tea, after the session.
Upcoming Events:
Soul of Leadership by Deepak Chopra - March 1st, 2013
Creativity & Leadership workshop by Prof. Raj Raghunathan – March 09th, 2013
To register: http://events.isb.edu/CNLWORKSHOP/