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Subramani Ramachandrappa
Class of 2004
Richcore Lifesciences Pvt Ltd
Previous Occupation: CMD; Richcore Lifesciences
Present Occupation: Still in the same job
Sector: Biotechnology (R&D and manufacturing)
Work Experience: 12 years
Tell us about yourself - your profile, recap your professional life
after ISB including your career progression
Before joining ISB in 2003, I was running my own venture, Richcore Lifesciences in Bangalore. Prior to starting my entrepreneurial journey, I was a member of Biocon’s Marketing and Technical Services division, and spent most of my time in new product development in industrial biotechnology and specialty chemicals.
Being an entrepreneur, ISB's one year program and its location fit into my scheme of things. I was able to continue to run my business by rushing to Bangalore over weekends, and interacting with my customers over the telephone on week days. I was able to experiment and test my learning at ISB in my business from the very first week at ISB. The exposure I had at the school from my colleagues, visiting faculty and guest lectures opened up my otherwise limited vision.
Post ISB I raised funds from a VC who I met while in ISB, and have been able to attract international board members and a high calibre team. We are now expanding our business across the globe and are in the process of setting up a wholly owned subsidiary in the United States.
Apart from the exposure and confidence to expand my vision for my company, I was able to build great relations with my highly competent classmates, many of whom continue to inspire me.
What was your key take-away from the ISB?
ISB has taught me to face any challenge in an objective manner. Having been through the program, I am aware of the tools available to solve a problem and importantly to know where to find them and how to use them. The entrepreneurship program has given me the ability to predict pitfalls in the various stages of growth and means to avoid them.
How do you think the ISB has contributed to your career growth?
I think ISB has not just contributed to my career but to my whole team. Today I build my team and infrastructure along the lines of ISB's philosophy of Thought Leadership. The Dean, faculty and support-staff have continued to help me in many ways… as mentors, sounding boards and friends.
What is your vision for the School?
I do not think I have any vision for the school, I would rather leave that part to the governing board and the Dean, who are best suited for the job. But I do believe that it is the responsibility of the alumni to showcase the ISB principles in every action and contribute to the future of the school as its ambassadors.
What are the strengths that the School can leverage upon and areas it can improve?
The school has now completed 10 years, the school must leverage from not just the experience of the Board and faculty but from the young business leaders in the alumni. The alumni body must realize its role in co-creating a joint future.
How do you think alums can associate with the School or alum’s role in building the School?
Alumni must first perform their professional duties with integrity and honesty, their individual success will eventually add to the school's brand. They must continue to engage with the school and spare some personal time to make the ISB experience a life long affair.
What is the area you can contribute in?
I have always been available for any task ISB would like assign to me. I will be willing to contribute more time if there is a mandate where the school thinks it can use my skills.