Updates and Information on upcoming events from the alumni association.
Sumeet Salwan
Founding class
Associate Director, KPMG
Apart from getting a degree, I also found my life partner at ISB. Some of my fondest memories are of the long walks we took after dinner in the campus with my then-classmate, now-wife, Shalu.
Venu Gorti
Class of 2007
Executive Director
Cogitaas AVA PTE Ltd
"At ISB, I learned that peoples’ outer person as area complex manifestation of their IQs, their EQs and their egos. Therefore, when dealing with people, it is important to first understand their underlying drivers.
Rohal Dayal
Class of 2011
Program Officer, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
"I completely enjoyed the ISB experience, and would not do anything differently. ISB offers a wide variety of opportunities for everyone to learn, experience, and meet others. It is in our own interest to find the right mix of activities and define our ISB experience."
Prakash Iyer
PGPMAX Founding Class
Vice president for product management at TATA Communications Ltd
"The opportunity to look at business from different perspectives, in the company of some of the brightest minds in the country was truly a great experience. With friendly faculty, wonderful staff and peacocks for company, I could not ask for more."