Updates and Information on upcoming events from the alumni association.
It is said that the clearest and most honest perspectives on life at the ISB come to you at three points – when drunk, after a particularly tough advanced finance end-term and when updating your status on Facebook(FB).
We figured the best way to encapsulate the year so far in ISB is to pick some of the status updates posted on FB by students from CO2011.
(Note: This list has been compiled after exhaustive efforts lasting 15 minutes and based on solid empirical research techniques such as ‘Let me try and see which ones I remember’. We may have missed out on a few interesting entries. Do write in to the compilers of this article with updates that you think we missed out on!)
“Identifying a document in school: If it tells you what to do, it’s an article; If it just stops short of that, it’s a case; If it looks like its saying something but you don’t get it, it’s part of your course pack; If you can’t figure out the head or tail of it, it’s a quiz.”
“The next time a company comes with vague JDs which says “Salary: Competitive” or “Location: multi-location or as per requirement” I am going to upload a resume which says:
CGPA: Competitive
Experience: Relevant and
Skills: As mentioned in the JD”
- Posted by Hariharan VS.
“ 7 months into the course, rushing out of the lift with 30 seconds for class to start, your first guess on which side to go for the correct LT is still going to be wrong!”
- Posted by Mehul Choudhary
“Dear Grades, get well soon!”
- Posted by Manjot Kaur
“INVA: I will screw you
Me: You can’t harm me. I don’t care about grades, remember?
INVA (evil smirk): But you care about self-respect
Me: Damn!!”
“Surviving ISB Rule # 22: You may call anyone without hesitation at 3 in the night, but before calling them at 3 in the day, you must first send a message saying, "Awake?" “
- Posted by Sreeram Ramachandran - Posted by Anmol Joneja
- Posted by Gaurav Sajjanhar
“(Following several SMS alerts sent by CAS to attend PPTs) If my parents were to stumble upon my SMSes, they would think CAS is a funny name for a girl.”
Response: “Especially because the girl keeps calling you to some LT all the time.”
- Posted by Sridhar Vishwanathan
“Ship runs into a Storm. 3 Survivors. An American, a Russian and an ISB Graduate. They get on a Lifeboat, make it to a nearby Island. American: "We must find Food". Russian: "We must find shelter". ISB Grad: " We must form a study group".”
- Posted by Deepack Sub
Sreeram Ramachandran and Mehul Choudhary, Class of 2011