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An August day at ISB
August is almost over but, by far, this has been the most fulfilling month for most of us at ISB. In contrast to our daily mayhem of classes, assignment submissions and competitions, this August 15th, we relaxed and unwound with a group of children as we celebrated Bandhan. The first half of the month was spent on planning for the big event – inviting schools and pooling funds. The outcome of our hard work cannot quite be captured in words alone. The campus came alive with fun and laughter, when over 300 children from seven schools visited ISB to celebrate the Independence Day on August 15th. Bandhan is an atypical ISB event, where there are no speaker sessions, no MNCs and as such has no bearing on our future placements. This is a day of sharing and bonding, where the only agenda is that of spreading smiles.
The month of freedom, August marks the beginning of all things bright and colourful and we ushered it with the true spirit of independence. From craft workshop to dance lessons, the campus came alive with the sounds of excited and happy children. We were humbled by the dexterity of children who were physically challenged – hearing-impaired children danced to patriotic songs and visually-challenged children sang melodiously to a packed auditorium.
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high,
In to that heaven of freedom my father, let my country awake…
This was poet RabindranathTagore’s dream of the new awakened India and 60 years hence, we still have a long way to go. But we strive to make a difference in small ways. “Bandhan,” was an ISB event that captured this sentiment really well.
Megha Chakraverty
Class of 2013