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Medical Tourism Market : Medical Tourism is a booming business and is drawing loads of overseas patients each year. Over 60 percent of medical tourists in India are catered by top private hospitals. Not only the low cost of healthcare, but the level of services in the leading hospitals and medical centers are also at par with those being offered in the US and UK. An estimated 150,000 foreign patients travel to India for healthcare procedures every year.
Internet in Rural India : Internet penetration is rising appreciably in India today. Urban India which accounts for about 28% of the total population, has witnessed the bulk of this growth, with students, youth as well as office goers being the primary drivers. Rural India, on the other hand, lags behind. By December 2009, rural India had about 7.45 Mn claimed Internet users and 5.5 Mn active Internet users.
ICT in Retail Sector : Retail sector is estimated to reach INR 15.66 tr in 2011 and is expected to witness a growth CAGR of 12% to reach INR 24.65 tr in 2014. IT / ICT adoption in India is fast gaining popularity, wherein growing retail and trade activity is expected to push the adoption rate by a large extent. Availability of better and faster IT / ICT solutions with maximum accuracy is pushing the industry forward significantly. Cost component, flexibility and customization of applications are the key selection criteria amongst retailers for the selection of IT / ICT tools and services. Cloud computing plays a major role in the enhancement of operational procedures of retailing wherein data and information are transmitted on a real time basis thereby facilitating faster decision making.
India Entertainment and Media Outlook : The E&M industry in 2010 stood at INR 646.0 billion as compared to INR 580.8 billion in 2009. This was lower than our projected growth rate of 15.1% for last year. The reason for lower growth rate was the decline witnessed in the film segment. The other two key industry segments-- television (15.4% growth as compared to 15.6% projected) and print (10.7% as compared to 8.5% projected)--showed good growth. The E&M industry continues to be dominated by TV, print and film. Significant revenues continue to be from the non-digital segment though there continues to be good growth in digital spending too. Infrastructure is the biggest challenge in the growth of digital spends.
Home Furnishing Market : Indian Textile Industries is one of the leading textile industries in the world. Indian Home Furnishing comes under the purview of the Textile Industry. Market Size for the home furnishing industry is ~ INR 154 bn in 2009‐10. India has the potential to increase its textile and apparel share in world trade from the current level of 4.5% to 8% and reach INR 3.63 tr by 2020.
Adding wings: The Indian Transportation & Logistics sector is at an interesting point on its evolution curve. In the last decade itself, the sector has imbibed more sophistication, both on infrastructure and service focus, than it has in previous several decades.
The Unselfish Gene: In today's world, adaptability, creativity, and innovativeness appear to be preconditions for organizations and individuals to thrive. These qualities don’t fit well with the industrial business model; they aren’t amenable to monitoring and pricing.
Do You Have The Right Leaders For Your Growth Strategies? : It takes a mix of leaders and talent to pursue a variety of growth strategies simultaneously. Few executives can do it all. To achieve stronger growth, companies must not only assemble a critical mass of talent, which will require attracting and retaining an “unfair” share of excellent leaders, but also align these leaders’ roles and skills with the companies’ growth strategies.
Remapping your Strategic Mind-Set : "Shake up your thinking by looking at the world from the perspective of a particular country, industry, or company. “Rooted” maps can help you unearth hidden opportunities and threats."
Variety is the spice of MBA life : The financial crisis, which threw the spotlight on MBA programmes and graduates, combined with the management needs of a new breed of industries, mean that business schools are now trying to recruit a different type of student to their MBA programmes. This is particularly true at top US business schools Harvard, Wharton and Stanford. Where these schools lead, others follow.
How to Boost B-School Alumni Giving : Contributions from young MBA alumni are down, and experts say that's unlikely to change. Here's what schools can do to loosen the purse strings.
MICA innovation to help Harvard business school sharpen teaching tools : Leaving aside thick textbooks, students of the world's top-ranking management institute, Harvard Business School (HBS) in the US, will soon be musing on the pages of a photonovel as a part of their classroom activities. What's more, the first-of its- kind photonovel for the students at Harvard is being developed by Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad (Mica).
Revamping the MBA curriculum : Today, engineering, pharmaceutical and medical graduates pursue a postgraduate management course for any one of the two reasons — they want to shift or want to sharpen their skills to succeed in their own profession with the help of a management course. Today, there are about 4,500 business schools offering a masters programme in Management.
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