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Vaibhav Roongta
Class of 2008
Vice President – Investment Banking
Pioneer Investcorp Ltd
Previous Occupation: Senior Manager – Investment Banking, HDFC Bank Ltd
Present Occupation: Vice President – Investment Banking, Pioneer Investcorp Ltd
Sector: Financial services
Work Experience: 7 years (almost)
Interests – Professional/Personal: Trekking, music, any kind of outdoor sport
Tell us about yourself - your profile, recap your professional life
after ISB including your career progression.
I have moved from a non-investment banking position (pre-ISB) to being vice president (investment banking) within three years after ISB.
What was your key take-away from the ISB?
I realised that I am not the only one who may not understand the basics of certain things at times, and that it is absolutely fine to ask questions. In this way, I would be doing someone else a favour as well.
How do you think the ISB has contributed to your career growth?
ISB has taught me the importance of solution-driven thinking and straight-talking.
What is your vision for the School?
Just like Kellogg and Wharton, our founding associate schools, have given a strong credibility to ISB, I would like to see ISB contributing in the same manner to another B-school in a developing country.
What are the strengths that the School can leverage upon and areas it can improve?
The strength is our management, which relentlessly works hard towards making ISB a global
B-school in all aspects. Even in the midst of controversies, they have been successful at that.
How do you think alums can associate with the School or alum’s role in building the School?
A school can only grow as much as its alums. As long as our alums are true to their profession and succeed in their endeavours, ISB’s credibility and reputation will keep growing. Alums have always been associated with the School. However, a large number of them graduated only in the last three to four years. Obviously, they are currently in the process of becoming successful – once that happens, this question will be answered! It’s just a matter of time!
What is the area you can contribute in?
I am very accessible via the phone and can be contacted at any time. If the School requires my help with anything, I’ll do my best.