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Directionless – just like your answer sheet!

In keeping with the mood of the Term 3 exams that just got done, this piece shall be random and leaving you with a strong sense of ‘what’s the point of it all?’ at the end.

As we spend more time here, we gradually realise that this place is more than just a B-school. At different points in our existence here, we have seen it double up as a secret, science R&D lab, a creative hub for writers and a muse for philosophers and thinkers.

For instance, we have many witnesses who have seen in operation here a machine that stops time (or at least slows it down to levels that leave Physics taking a strong, questioning look at itself in the mirror). This machine is often secretly tested out in lectures. I can swear that in the time that it took one two-hour finance session to complete, whole new species came into existence, ran out their evolutionary cycles and drifted away quietly into extinction. Creativity reaches new levels here. So far, we have only encountered creative writing with words. Now, confounding MADM class quizzes have taught us creative writing with numbers – a fascinating new art which no doubt explains at least half the world’s financial troubles.

Exams, for some reason, seem to bring out the creative best in us ISBians, and a good manifestation of that are facebook status updates that you see around this time, most of which would have Douglas Adams nodding in approval (or at least, not panicking). For instance, savour this from Deepack Sub :

“Cats in the cradle. Last night walked into a family of cats sitting in our living room eating our leftover Pizza. And they were'nt even concerned about me, they just went on eating. I guess they figure that ISB kills most sensory inputs by Term 2 (look but not see, hear but not listen etc.). There could be a Dinosaur in your living room and you might just walk past it with a casual ‘Jai mata Di’ greeting.”

You get my drift.

Elsewhere, there is a thing or two to be said about the sharp contrast term breaks bring, being arguably the most lazy period of our lives, beating even school vacations (where you had harried parents pushing you to make ‘good use of your time’ – or at least as good use as the neighbour’s kid was). It is interesting how only exams and alcohol stand in the way of a quick shift from ‘damn it, seven more months here’ to ‘damn it, ONLY seven more months here!”

Will wind up with a reflection of how this article has been the shortest of all the ‘From the CO2011’ updates, despite the fact that it has been the only one that was written in the term break. Clearly, ‘dinner with friends’ has a greater sense of urgency than ‘study group meeting’.

Sreeram Ramachandran, Class of 2011