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Renewable Energy in India
: Market size, share and segmentation data plus detailed analysis and company information for the Indian renewable energy industry. In 2015, the Indian renewable energy market is forecast to have a value of $20.8 billion, an increase of 94.4% since 2010.
Travel and Tourism - India : With negative growth in the number of arrivals, low average daily room rates and reduced occupancy levels, 2009 was one of the most challenging years for Indian travel and tourism. After witnessing a tough 2009, from mid-2010, tourism in India started to recover, and recorded double-digit growth in the number of tourists visiting India during 2010.
The Mobile Entertainment Industry Outlook : Business Insights anticipates that the global mobile entertainment industry will grow at a CAGR of 18.8% to reach $54bn by 2014, from a mere $19bn in 2008. This growth will be driven by smart phone sales, the roll-out of high speed mobile broadband networks, increasing usage of apps, and growth in emerging markets.
Global Gold : Market size, share and segmentation data plus detailed analysis and company information for the global gold market. In 2015, the global gold market is forecast to have a value of $131.5 billion, an increase of 57% since 2010.
The New Field of Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Studying Entrepreneurial Action Linking “What Is to Be Sustained” With “What Is to Be : Sustainable entrepreneurship is focused on the preservation of nature, life support, and community in the pursuit of perceived opportunities to bring into existence future products, processes, and services for gain, where gain is broadly construed to include economic and non-economic gains to individuals, the economy, and society.
Drawing a new road map for growth : In The Granularity of Growth, we used insights from a proprietary database of large companies to argue that executives need to pursue growth in multiple ways. The growth is disaggregated growth into three drivers: portfolio momentum, or the market growth of the segments in a company’s portfolio; M&A; and market share gains.
Why Leaders Don’t Learn From Success: Failures get a postmortem. Why not triumphs? : The Annals of business history are full of tales of companies that once dominated their industries but fell into decline. The usual reasons offered staying too close to existing customers, a myopic focus on short-term financial performance, and in inability to adapt business models to disruptive innovation.
Surviving organizational disasters : When disasters strike and they surely will strike most organizations at one time or another, the ‘very short run’ determines whether or not, and how, an organization will survive. For this reason, leaders need to have a plan in place to ensure the organization stays in business under any and all circumstances. Continuity of operations planning is an essential tool in ensuring survival.
Geographic Trend Reports: Asian Report, TY2006 to TY2010 : The Asian Geographic Trend Report presents trends in the student pipeline for graduate management education. Analysis of data collected from respondents taking the GMAT during the 2006 to 2010 testing years (TY) and from the requested destination of their score reports forms the basis for this report.
A Sustainable Degree: Here is the list of business schools, where green and sustainability courses are being offered as part of MBA courses : Entrepreneur magazine outlined the hottest areas of opportunity in green business. Here's where to go to get educated in how to do it...Here are the top B Schools, where green curriculum is a part of their MBA courses.
EFMD Research Report on MBA & Masters Programmes, January 2011: Insights from four different surveys in the EFMD research partnership portfolio : With a diverse portfolio of surveys, the EFMD Knowledge and Surveys Unit is in a unique position to observe trends and latest developments. This report on MBA and Masters programmes is primarily based on two recent EFMD surveys.
EFMD Research Report on Executive Education : This report provides an overview of key findings from the 2010 EFMD Executive Education Survey. It also identifies certain trends through a comparison of the findings of the 2005 and 2010 surveys.