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Dr Satyanarayana Chava (PGPMAX Founding Class)

Arun Shenoy
(Class of 2010)

Don Mohanlal
(PGPMAX Class of 2012)


Welcome to the latest section of Alma Matters “Bookshelf” - a platform where people can share their comments, feelings and thoughts about various books they read. From business and economics to SCI-FI, thriller and comedy…please feel free to contribute to this section by writing to us at alumni_relations@isb.edu

Recommended Readings by Laina Emmanuel
Laina is from the class of 2014 and is an independent consultant, working at the intersection of impact and businesses. Through her solo journeys through the heartland of India, and her work with the premier policy think tanks in the country, she has developed her own philosophy of money, work and impact, and is constantly looking for new and interesting ways to address problems at the bottom of the pyramid. Her last project was with ACCESS Health International where she worked with the government of Madhya Pradesh to reduce infant and maternal mortality through innovative health financing methods. 


Description: C:\Users\10537\Desktop\513PrMlrlYL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg“Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World”, by Niall Ferguson

This book is an account of money from the Incas to the credit crunch. Niall has positioned financial markets as the 'mirror of mankind' magnifying back to us our values, weaknesses and psychoses. For a person like me who loves seeing the big picture and reading history, this particular book was a fantastic read about money and businesses just before entering business school. 

Description: C:\Users\10537\Desktop\51xeE2VRSvL._SX318_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg“The Complete Yes Minister”, by Jonanthan Lynn and Antony Jay

Having worked with policy-makers, civil servants and politicians, this is the one book that helps me maintain a sense of humor in the face of bewildering incompetence. Based on the TV series but going beyond it, the dialogues in this book are brilliantly satirical and expose the interplay between the bureaucracy, executive and the media. I think the dialogues are also very apt for a corporate setting.


Description: C:\Users\10537\Desktop\519daWreVLL._SX276_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgMaking Money”, by Terry Pratchett   

It's difficult to make macro-economics a subject for a funny novel. But Terry Pratchett does it with aplomb. He brings in some totally whacky characters to save the monetary system of Ankh-Morpork. The book makes some really interesting philosophical points about money and its origin. 


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