To be an internationally top-ranked*, research-driven, independent management institution that grooms future leaders for India and the world.
Updates and Information on upcoming events from the alumni association.
Rahul Khetarpal and Prerna Batra were blessed with a baby girl on September 17, 2012.
Neeraj Khemka and Deepti were blessed with a baby girl on November 08, 2012.
Saurabh Adeeb and Prerna were blessed with a baby girl November 08, 2012
November was a month of festivities and celebrations on both campuses. Diwali was celebrated with lots of good food, dance and music.
The countdown for Solstice 2012 has begun! Have you registered yet?
Welcome to the latest section of Alma Matters “Bookshelf” - a platform where people can share their comments, feelings and thoughts about various books they read. From business and economics to SCI-FI, thriller and comedy...
ISB alumni are making their mark in diverse businesses around the world. In this issue, four such remarkable alumni, Rajesh Mani, Deepak Madhava Rao, Shravanthi Gummadi, and Ketan Desai
talk about their lives at the ISB, career path after graduation and vision for the School.