Professor Ravi Jagannathan, Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Professor Ravi Jagannathan, Chicago Mercantile Exchange/John F. Sandner Professor of Finance and a Co-Director of the Financial Institutions and Markets Research Center at the Kellogg School of Management will be visiting the ISB, on a part time basis for a two year period, as an Honorary Visiting Professor. Professor Jagannathan was also an Area Leader for Finance at
the ISB earlier. You can find his profile at: http://www.isb.edu/media/UsrSiteNewsMgmt.aspx?topicid=429 |
Professor Sudipt Roy
Professor Sudipt Roy, has joined the ISB as an Assistant Professor in the Marketing Area. Roy has done his MBA from IIM, Bangalore and also holds a PhD in Marketing from Washington University. His various research interests include Expectation
Formation and its impact on purchase decisions, Driver’s of Consumers Attention states and Behavioral Pricing strategies, New Product Introduction, Pricing Strategy of weak brands and Empirical Modeling of Consumer Behaviour in dealing with uncertainities.
Professor Anand Nandkumar
Professor Anand Nandkumar, has joined the ISB as an Assistant Professor in the Strategy Area. Nandkumar is a PhD in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include Entrepreneurship and Industry evolution, Innovation, Patents and Economics of Technological change, Markets for Technology, Competition in ICT Industry and Economics of Information Security.
Professor Joydeep Srivastava
Professor Joydeep Srivastava, Associate Professor of Marketing, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, has joined the ISB as a Visiting Scholar. Srivastava holds a PhD in Business Administration from University of Arizona and is an Associate Professor with University of Maryland. His research interests include Managerial and Consumer Decision Making, Bargaining and Auctions, Marketing Distribution Channels, Pricing and Behavioral Economics. Professor Srivastava is visiting ISB till
30 September, 2008. |