The Base of the Pyramid - ISB Focus in Financial Times
The sixth installment of the FT Business School series of online
executive education courses - conducted in partnership with leading
business schools - featured five professors from the ISB. To see
Professors Mudit Kapoor, Ravi Bapna, Shamika Ravi, Reuben Abraham
and Harish Bijoor speak on topics such as marketing, microfinance
and mobile telephony in India., go to:
The FT also recently carried two articles focusing on the ISB – an
interview with
Dean M R Rao and
a profile of the school. An article
profiling management students across the country also carried an
interview with
Javier Rosales an exchange student from the Judge
School of Business, Cambridge, UK.
Admissions Alum Referral Programme
The Admissions Office would like to thank all ISB alumni
for your continuing support in our admissions process. A key
imperative now is to ensure the quality and consistency of the
applicant pool. In this regard, we believe that each one of you has
a valuable role to play as validators and demonstrators of the ISB
We invite you to encourage at least one potential MBA student with
leadership potential to apply to the ISB. The second admission
deadline is coming up on November 15, though international passport
holders can apply through the rolling process till January 31, 2008.
Also, if you know an outstanding candidate, who had already applied
and you would like to further recommend, please email Sanjay Singh,
Assistant Director Admissions at, giving their
name along with your insight comments, for use by us during the
evaluation process. Since you all know the diversity fit profiles
that we look for, we would derive the advantage of a validated pool
of applicants to select from.
New faculty at the ISB

Professor Nishtha Langer has joined the ISB as an Assistant
Professor. A PhD and MS in Information Systems from the Tepper
School of School of Business, CMU, her research interests include
information economics and economics of external IT assets

Professor Vinayak Deshpande an Associate Professor at the Krannert
School of Management, Purdue University also arrived on campus as a
Visiting Scholar. He is visiting ISB till December 2007.
Both Professor Langer’s and Professor Deshpande’s profiles can be
viewed in the faculty directory at:
ISB Increases Scholarships by 55% for the Incoming Class
The Indian School of Business (ISB) has announced a range of
scholarships for a total amount of Rs 3.3 crores. The scholarships
will be available for all the students who will be selected for the
new Class of 2009.
The total scholarship amount represents a significant 55% increase
over the scholarships offered to the previous Class.
The scholarships include funding from the ISB as well as from
private companies who have come forward to support excellence in
education. 60% of the scholarships will be awarded by the ISB while
the remaining 40% will be awarded by private companies. Companies
such as Citigroup, Novartis, Sierra Atlantic, Ambit Finance, and
others, will award scholarships to the ISB students.
The scholarships are both merit and need based and will be given to
outstanding students, selected on the basis of exceptional academic
and professional performance, as well as personal qualities such as
leadership, integrity, and community service. In an attempt to
attract students from various professional, ethnic, and gender
backgrounds, several scholarships will be awarded to students who
come from small towns in India, women students, and international
ISB Students win Micro Insurance Academy contest
In July, the Micro Insurance Academy (MIA) launched an innovation
contest on “explaining health insurance.” The purpose behind
inviting participants to brainstorm was to encourage creative
thinking around effectively communicating the values proposition of
insurance for the poor.
Dr Kiran M Shete and Gajanan Pujari used the popular Bollywood
characters of Munnabhai
and Circuit in a skit to get the attention
of the audience and inform them about health insurance. The
characters then anchor a game for the audience, by which illness is
explained to them as something no one can predict, but must always
be in readiness for. The village folk are made to understand that by
buying insurance, one is not only always prepared to face a
calamity, but is also saving household income from going wasted in
the long run. The proposal takes the cake for being simple, precise
and creative.
The team was awarded a prize of Euro 1000. Congratulations Kiran and
3 ISB teams in Cognizant Boardroom Contest 2007
Three student teams from the ISB have been shortlisted for Phase-3
of Cognizant’s “Boardroom - Smart Business Plan Contest 2007”.
This contest is a unique opportunity to budding management students
across B-schools to get creative, propose new business avenues for
Cognizant, and draw up a comprehensive business plan on what
Cognizant’s next move should be. This could involve anything from
starting a new development center to venturing into a new geography,
new service vertical or horizontal, or a new service offering.
Cognizant will seriously consider incubating the winning idea within
the organization by setting up a core team. The winning team will
have the option of being a part of this initiative.
ISB Insight – September 2007 issue now online
The September 2007 issue of the ISBinsight is now online at
This issue focuses on the changing dynamics of marketing in a world
of new media choices. ISBinsight bring to you the views of our
faculty experts - all top-notch researchers and academicians from
some of the leading B-schools around the world.
Also featured is an exclusive interview with Marshall Goldsmith,
ranked one of the top ten executive educators by the Wall Street
Journal, and a world authority in executive coaching, who visited
the ISB to conduct an Executive Coaching Programme for CEO Coach