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Deepak Madhava Rao
Class of 2009
Business Development Manager, Media.net
Can you tell us a little about your family background/history?
I come from a family of bankers - both my father and mother are from the banking industry. My sister is a project manager with Cummins.
Briefly describe your personal and professional achievements (including recent awards\special projects)
In order of occurrence, they are: representing India at the International Youth Leadership Conference in Prague, joining ISB, finding my industry of interest in the first job after ISB and starting The Bespoke Label.
Tell us about your profile pre ISB, and recap your professional life after ISB including your career progression
Pre-ISB, I was a mechanical engineer working in a software company and then I shifted to a mutual fund house as an analyst. I also worked as a part-time journalist, contributing articles to local weeklies. I toyed with the idea of pursuing journalism and secured admission in a newly formed public affairs school in India. Then I did my GMAT and joined ISB.
I now work with Media.net, a contextual advertising network as a Business Development Manager. I manage a multi-geography team consisting of sales people, account managers and ad optimisation specialists. I have also just launched The Bespoke Label - a custom suiting and shirting option for men (http://tinyurl.com/thebespokelabel). Working on multiple projects seems to suit me quite well.
Describe your fondest memory at ISB
Somewhere past the third term, I suddenly realised that I could handle the pressure and that I was actually at “THE ISB.” That has to be my fondest memory. I remember enjoying that feeling until I remembered the Markstrat assignment I had to submit a few hours later! Honestly, the entire year was a wonderful experience. Hanging out with friends till early in the morning, cooking, listening to music and planning to study are some of my best memories of ISB.
In your personal life, how have you changed post-ISB? Do you see yourself doing something differently because you went to ISB? What has left a lasting impression?
Personally, I have become a lot more confident. This is not because of the ISB degree per se; rather, the fact that a great school decided to put its trust in me played an important role in this change. It has also given me a huge set of friends who I can trust and rely on.
It has also set me on the path of entrepreneurship.
How do you think ISB has contributed to your career growth?
When joining a B-school, I think timing is very important. I joined ISB at just the right time the career options that opened up for me after ISB were great even with the recession. When I rejoined the corporate world, I didn’t feel wet behind the ears, yet I knew I had so much to learn. With my ISB education fresh in my mind, I was all set to learn and practice.
If you have to sum up ISB in one word:
What was the main highlight of your programme at the ISB?
Interacting with the best professors from around the world.
Word of advice for the current class?
Keep calm and carry on. On a more serious note, I would like to tell the current class never to forget the passion to achieve they had when they considered applying to ISB. You have it in you to make it big, otherwise ISB wouldn’t have picked you. So, give your everything to be the best version of yourself and make the school proud.
What was your favourite course/class at ISB and why?
I liked Statistics - mainly because of Professors Bob Stine and [Richard Paul] Waterman. The two of them were a riot and were also among the brightest minds I have met.
Was there anyone during your time at ISB who acted as a mentor for you? Tell us a little about this relationship and why it was valuable.
It is hard to pick just one person. There were professors, my quadmate and a whole bunch of friends I used to hang out with who played an important role.
In what areas can you contribute to ISB?
In a couple of ways. Firstly, monetarily. I want to be able to contribute to a corpus that the school can use to incubate businesses of its alumni. Secondly, I want to increase the presence of international students at the school. I strongly believe that to be a global school and be in the same league as some of the top schools in the world, we should increase international intake.
What do you enjoy most about your current career position?
The quick natured transformation in the industry. The industry changes every six months and that keeps me on my toes.
What is the next new thing in the industry or vertical you are working in? Any trends that you can see?
I see advertising getting more personal and inclusive. The smartphone mobile revolution will definitely play a hand in it.