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Abhinav Singh
Class of 2012
Operations Manager, Amazon.com
Previous Occupation: Master Mariner (Merchant Navy)
Present Occupation: Operations Manager, Amazon.com
Sector: e-commerce (Operations)
Work Experience: Over 10 years
Interests – Personal: Golf, reading, travelling and cycling.
Tell us about yourself – your profile, recap your professional life after ISB including your career progression.
I am a qualified Master Mariner and last sailed on LNG ships with Shell. Last year, I joined ISB, majoring in Finance and Operations. I am now with Amazon as an Operations Manager in their rotational leadership program, “pathways.”
Describe your fondest memory at ISB
My fondest memory of ISB is Solstice’2011. Six months of toil – blood, sweat and tears – of the entire Solstice team went into the event which was all worth it thanks to the amazing response we received. Personally too, it was rewarding as I had the rare fortune of working with some of most dedicated and smart people on campus.
With the knowledge and experience gained at ISB, when looking back, tell us something that you would have done differently while you were a student here?
The one thing I do regret is not spending quality time with faculty outside the classroom. They are, I feel, an underutilised resource at ISB given their vast knowledge, expertise and industry understanding.
In your personal life, how have you changed post-ISB? Do you see yourself doing something differently because you went to ISB? What has left a lasting impression?
The one year at ISB truly teaches you the merit and impact of peer learning. For me the collaborative atmosphere where we cheered each other’s successes will last forever.
How do you think ISB has contributed to your career growth?
The career shift I was able to make (from the merchant navy to e-commerce) certainly would not have been possible without ISB. It is still too early for me to look back and reminisce but I realised my potential after spending a year at ISB.
If you have to sum up ISB in one word: Melting pot
What are the areas that you can contribute in to ISB?
I would like to be involved in the long term strategic planning of the school. I strongly feel that the alumni are the biggest stakeholders so should be involved in the decisions that govern ISB’s direction in the future.