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Welcome to the latest section of Alma Matters “Bookshelf” - a platform where people can share their comments, feelings and thoughts about various books they read. From business and economics to SCI-FI, thriller and comedy…please feel free to contribute to this section by writing to us at alumni_relations@isb.edu
Recommended Readings by Ajay Jain
Ajay is from the PGPMAX founding class and currently heads global product development and works as a director (India Operations) for Xchanging . He has around two decades of experience in strategic planning, onshore and offshore management, business development, global strategy, sustainability & innovation, IT, engineering, quality, M&As and global product development, thereby providing him with a sharpened insight into the dynamics of running and leading a business.
“First, Break All the Rules”, by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
This book is the result of one of the most comprehensive Gallup’s survey on What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently. An interesting anecdote about this book that I once overheard was (a company cubicle grapevine) that by giving this book’s fundas, an employee got two managerial level promotions in one year!
“In The Age Of The Smart Machine”, by Shoshana Zuboff
This book was written in 1988 and says pretty much all that will ever need to be said about the constructive and corrosive power of information technology at work.
“ Maverick”, by Ricardo Semler
Let me confess that since my early career days, I used to dream about the views and ideas described in this book. So when I read Maverick, which is a story about how Ricardo Semler led his family business, Semco, through the change from an autocratic/authoritarian structure to a participative structure, I felt as if he had really ‘stolen’ my views! It was deja-vu !
Recommended Readings by Arijit Chatterji
Arijit is from the PGPMAX founding class and is the CEO of Eukti Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd. He is extremely interested in technology and believes in connecting technology to business to make it more meaningful.
“Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”, by Robert B.CialdiniThis book provides a very interesting insight about human psychology and it’s importance on negotiations. The book is not limited to this only but also gives a very thorough understanding about why people behave in a particular manner.
“The Monk who Sold his Ferrari”, by Robin Sharma
This book provides a very different outlook towards life and describes how life has a bigger mission than what we usually assign it to. How to balance life and create more joy is a very deep thought reflected in the book.
“Freakonomics”, by Levitt & Dubner