Visitors to the ISB during the month of June included:
Simon Denyer, Bureau Chief in India, Reuters
June 13, 2008
Simon Denyer interacted with the students in the course of his visit to the ISB on June 13, 2008.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Chairman and Managing Director, Biocon
Limited; Executive Board Member, ISB
June 11, 2008
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw interacted with the students in the course of her visit to the ISB on June 11, 2008. To know more about the talk, please visit:
Ranjit Shahani, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Novartis India Limited
June 5, 2008
Ranjit Shahani met the senior management in the course of his visit to the ISB on June 5, 2008.
Thomas Wellauer, Head- International Coordination, Member- Executive Committee, Novartis
June 5, 2008
Thomas Wellauer, met the senior management in the course of his visit to the ISB on June 5, 2008.
Shyam Saran, IFS (Retd.), Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of India on Nuclear and Climate Change Issues May 30, 2008
Ambassador Shyam Saran IFS (Retd.), Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of India on Nuclear and Climate Change Issues, delivered a talk on "Negotiating Position on Climate Change: A background briefing for the Corporate Sector." To know more about the talk, please visit:
US Senator Robert Casey
May 29, 2008
Senator Robert Casey, the junior United States Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and a member of the Democratic Party, met the senior management in the course of his visit to the ISB on May 29, 2008. He was accompanied by Jofi Joseph (Foreign Policy Adviser), Major Benjamin Venning, Military Escort and Rohit Nepal, Political/Economic Officer, Chennai Consulate.
Bala Chakravarthy, Royal Dutch Shell Chair Professor of Sustainable Business Growth, IMD,
May 29, 2008
Professor Bala Chakravarthy interacted with the students on his latest book, "Profit or Growth? Why you don’t have to choose", which was recently published by Wharton School Publishing. |