Events at the ISB
CAF Banking Symposium
February 1, 2008
Topic: How to make Indian banks more competitive at home and abroad?
Time: 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Venue: Khemka Auditorium, ISB
The symposium will be held on Friday, February 1, 2008, 11am – 1:30
pm, at the ISB. CAF conferences typically focus on important policy
issues and are attended by leading academicians, practitioners, and
regulators and policy-makers who share an interest in the issues.
The upcoming banking symposium will provide an opportunity to hear
the leaders discuss the important topic of competitiveness of Indian
banks and to participate in the discussion.
For more information please visit:
First Asian invitational Conference on family Business
February 1 -3, 2008
Family businesses have been contributing to most industrial wealth
creation in all the Asian countries. But the factors and processes
that sustain family businesses as a thriving category have not been
of academic interest until recently. Similarly, it is only now that
business families and other stakeholders have started discussing the
challenges and possible approaches to perpetuating and growing
family wealth and happiness.
Organised by the Thomas Schmidheiny Chair of Family Business and
Wealth Management, this conference facilitates in the following
three ways, the process of filling these gaps and contributes to
building more vibrant family businesses in Asia:
Share research insights that benefit academics as well as
Learn from the experiences of members of business families and
non-family professionals
Network and benefit from each other in multiple ways
For more information, please visit:

Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC)
Asia Round
March 8 – 10, 2008
The finals of the Asia Round of the Global Social Venture
Competition will be held at the ISB in March 2008. The GSVC awards
prizes to the business plans that show the highest, most integrated
financial and social returns. The programme is made possible through
the corporate sponsorship of Helios and Matheson.
All competing ventures must have an active team member who is a
current MBA student or who has graduated less than two years ago.
For further details and information, visit:

Second Annual CAF - FIC - SIFR Conference in Stockholm
April 17-19, 2008
Starting 2007, the Centre for Analytical Finance (CAF) at the ISB,
the Financial Institutions Center (FIC) at the Wharton School, and
the Swedish Institute for Financial Research (SIFR) at Stockholm
will organise joint research conferences in the area of emerging
market finance. The conferences are annual, held in spring, and
rotate between Philadelphia, Stockholm, and Hyderabad.
The second CAF - FIC - SIFR conference will be held in Stockholm,
April 17-19, 2008. The theme for this year's conference is Emerging
Market Finance. The conference will begin with a reception on the
evening of Thursday, April 17, and the sessions will be held on
April 18 and 19, 2008
For more information on the conference, visit: