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Welcome to the latest section of Alma Matters “Bookshelf” - a platform where people can share their comments, feelings and thoughts about various books they read. From business and economics to SCI-FI, thriller and comedy…please feel free to contribute to this section by writing to us at

Recommended Readings by Venkatraman Venkateswaran
Venkatraman is from the PGP Class of 2008 and is currently working as a General Manager with Philips Healthcare in Chennai. His interests include travelling and reading books.

Description: C:\Users\10537.ISBDOMAIN1\Desktop\untitled.png “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big”, by Scott Adams
This is an excellent book about a guy who failed his way to success. There are some practical lessons from Adams' experiences. It is written in typical Adams' style- funny and sarcastic.
An Honest book which is worth a read!

Description: A Short History of Nearly Everything

“A Short History of Nearly Everything”, by Bill Bryson

Did you know that every average-sized adult contains enough potential energy to explode with the force of THIRTY very large hydrogen bombs?
Did you know that Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) was the drug of choice for the English in early 1800s?
This book covers topics that are so diverse that you will be misguided to feel like an expert by the time you are done with it. But what is mind boggling is the amount of research that Bryson has done for this book.

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