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Subject: How do you ask for a raise?

57 percent of those looking for a new job are doing so because they believe they are underpaid. However, most people don't put salary negotiation high on their lists of desirable activities.

If you are a savvy negotiator, your preparation may be worth thousands of extra dollars. We're happy to share a webinar recording from Ivy Exec to help you get the salary you deserve. If you'd like full access to Ivy Exec's webinars and professional development content, you can follow the link below to join their exclusive network of professionals: .

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WEBINAR RECORDING - Salary Negotiation 2.0
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This webinar will provide an overview of some strategic and tactical negotiating techniques that can be used - even in these difficult economic times - to ask for a raise or negotiate with a prospective employer. In this webinar, we will also discuss how you can determine your worth in this market. We will also discuss how to prepare to negotiate. If you are a savvy negotiator, your preparation may be worth thousands of extra dollars so this session is critical if you are employed or in the job market.